Faith.,holding on to the belive!

Yesterday, I happen to please the time master I guess, and he gave me some tick in his watch. Thus, I had a chance to catch the movie " Alice in wonderland " that too from the beginning to the end. When the moving started, it looked like.. you know an aristocratic English movie.. but thank god that I did not change the channel. Something at the end of the movie held on to me with a nice feeling. And hey! this is solely my interpretation of the movie ok... I saw Alice being thrown into a very crucial decision of her life a " Marriage "; though she had different dreams. However, though she was disturbed by the sudden change in her life, she kept her eye open for miracles (the impossible! as per Alice). She sees a rabbit in waistcoat, with pocket watch run past her. And apparently, she is the only one who can see him. Here she take a decision, the 1st one, forgetting her present and follow what she finds curious or fascinating. She runs behind the rabbit, falls...