
Showing posts from November, 2013

Change in life.

Can ones life just change in a day. Can knowing a feeling (a negative) of another human being about yourself make you feel that you are correct about life and hence give you a sense of control. All your insecurities gone and now I look towards life in joy. Oh I know I sound like a philosopher, but that's what has happened to me. Now that I know how a certain person feel about me, I no longer feel that I need to do somethings that were according to me in the past a responsibility. I feel free... Though somewhere down below in my heart I am hurt. I somehow know that feeling that hurt is useless. Cause the person doesn't even bother that I am hurt. Now I shall enjoy being myself in all places and abandon to play roles required by people of me.

Busy days...

Life is been very busy here...a close friends wedding  that just took place last week, relatives at home, an ill baby at home and loads of neighbor's kids to play all around the day. We were having our Diwali vacation and hence, lot of kids with abundant energy hopping around from one house to another. I some how still managed to keep my house in a little shape despite of all this chaos and also baked a chocolate cake with whipped cream.. This was Maple's hut for afternoon nap, though it was used by Sparkle! Chocolate cake God bless!