You have the right... you are the potter of our life..but why this pain?

They humbled themselves to your plans for them. They knew that you do the best for them. They trusted you completely, walk through your ways. Then why this pain, this loneliness, this unbearable grief. You did not give them what you gave all the happy and blessed couple! you left them fruitless, They survived, they took care of hundreds of other precious gifts and yield fruits. They cared for the poor and the sick. They why god? He is left alone with no one to care for him no one to be called as family. I just don't get it God. Why did you call his beloved away from him? He required her, to fight with this world. He required her for his life I know you do everything for a purpose, Please let him see the purpose and let him have peace. Please don't leave him like that. Please console him Jesus.