
Is it the emotion one feels, to face the unknown situation, or is it the ill memory we take from seeing other experience, even worst is the fear we feel when we know we have done something wrong? Whatever it may be, it is definitely the strongest emotion that make human to call out to his creator. It is the only feeling that make us go through all our past good and bad memory lane, yea depending upon the scenario of course. Fine, why did I choose to write about this today? It is because I have been realizing lately that, when I am under the influence of this emotion, I am able to find my inner strength... venture to its limits. wow! is what I say when I come out of the scene. I was capable. Good! pat my back and go ahead in life with a self confidence that was just gifted to me. So I guess, all I wanted to tell myself is, I need not feel in-secured or worried regarding the fear, as it is only a means that is presented to me so that i remember my God!!!