
{Pretty Happy Funny Real} ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~ I am so happy to hear that we would be having an addition of another pretty, cute and graceful daughter-mother pair adding to the list at Like Mother, Like Daughter, God bless them abundantly! Getting started with capturing clicks of contentment, lets begin... {Pretty} In search of some flower from my garden, I found anthurium, there are plenty of them now in the garden now. { Happy} This candle stand has been at my husband's home, even before we were married. However, when I 'met' this one it was wrapped in white crepe paper (which was all dusty and torn). so I ripped off the entire mess, and left the poor stand without a dress for long time (I had not come across all these creative blogs then). Now that I have, I tried to dress the candle stand again! This is what it looks like now. :) The cream beads lace is from Maple's 1st birthday dress. I wrapped a m...