
{Pretty Happy Funny Real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

I am so happy to hear that we would be having an addition of another pretty, cute and graceful daughter-mother pair adding to the list at Like Mother, Like Daughter, God bless them abundantly!
Getting started with capturing clicks of contentment, lets begin...

In search of some flower from my garden, I found anthurium, there are plenty of them now in the garden now.

This candle stand has been at my husband's home, even before we were married. However, when I 'met' this one it was wrapped in white crepe paper (which was all dusty and torn). so I ripped off the entire mess, and left the poor stand without a dress for long time (I had not come across all these creative blogs then). Now that I have, I tried to dress the candle stand again! This is what it looks like now. :)

The cream beads lace is from Maple's 1st birthday dress.

I wrapped a maroon colored satin ribbon onto the body of the stand

 My photography skills are not improving, I know that for sure.. what do I do?

Talking about photography, my little girl is all into it and is filling up my phone's memory by clicking her favorite cartoon from T.V.

Screenshot of what I saw, when I connected my mobile to my laptop


Practicing sewing on our new machine is so much fun. I am learning to get stitches horizontally and vertically straight on my old cotton nighty . Now that I have made several square shaped dish cloths and clothes for other use by simple sewing along the border, I think its time to stitch  contrasting  colored borders to some. I am just learning!

Thank you for stopping by, go ahead and wish new mother, grand mother and aunties at Like Mother, Like Daughter


  1. Haha those cell phone pictures are too funny! My son always tries to take selfies, so I end up with a lot of pictures of his nostrils :P

    1. Love your kids! Thank you for stopping by Rosie.


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