Raw Mangoes...yummm

Its kind of boring to repeat dishes over and over again, hence i have decided that I shall try out something new every week (everyday is little too much to expect from this poor mom). Seasonal fruits or veggies are excellent. We buy them fresh and can use them for almost a week. Its like just hunt in your fridge and get the stuff. And what did I find in my fridge was some raw mangoes! hubby dear had bought them to make his favorite mango coconut milk curry. But I had to try some thing new with them (I did save a few mangoes to make his dish later). My cutie friend had once taught me to make this recipe when we were at hostel. Its the sweet mango pickle or sauce! So I made some dhokla and sweet mango pickle! Though dhokla didn't turn out they were supposed to, but they were good, thanks to the sweet mango pickle, it covered up all the flaws in my dhokla. So dhokla recipe will come up once I master in it myself. But for now My sweet mangoes pickle is here! Ingredient: ...