A little Cleaniness..

Now with my nesting instinct at its peak, I am full on with deep cleaning. And the after feeling of this cleaning is awesome! Yesterday while leaving home in hurry, I tried hard to find my cell and my door key, then at the door, I saw some dust peeping through my glass shelf. I hadn't realized that, i made a mental note about all this event; however, when I was back I unintentionally unpacked and organized my hand bag and my little pouches: 1st one carries my little makeup and face wash, 2nd one has my keys,sanitizer and wipes, while the 3rd has some cash and Id cards (I am taking tips from the author of "http://charmingthebirdsfromthetrees.blogspot.in/"). Later while my bath water warmed up, I had a nice cleaning session of my shelf and rearranged my shelf belongings. And wow, was I not beaming with joy!