
I have decided, however busy I may be, I shall read at least one page of a book. Have I ever mentioned that Goa houses one of largest libraries in Asia. Yes, "Krishnadas Shama" State Central Library, Goa. New State Central Library Old one The Central library was established on 15th September 1832 by Vice Roy Dom Manuel de Portugal e Castro as ‘Publica Livraria.’ It had a beginning name as ‘Academia Militar de Goa’ (Military Training Institute). In 1836 the name was changed to ‘Bibliotheca Publica’ and enriched with bibliographical repository transferred from the Convents run by religious orders that were suppressed in the1834. In the same year the Library was shifted to premises where the Municipal Proceedings were held, however, the collection on Mathematics and Military sciences was left in Academia and books on Administrative and Legislative matters were transferred to Secretariat Library. The book stack of this library has 47,000 books in four ...