Oh what a start!

Monday started with a bang! I woke with a plan for the day. As most of the cooking was already done the previous nite, all this gonna be beautiful mom :) did was reheating and preparing a side dish. I made a quick dish out dill leaves (my baby loves it). We had been confirmed by the coordinator, about our Mar Alvares Youth Fellowship Meet at 7.30 P.M. , so I was looking forward for the later part of my day. However office couldn't be avoided, had some important task to be completed. Once at office, I straight away attacked all my priority work and by noon I was done. I could say that I work rather engrossed cause, i had a bad back ache by the time I had finished. Back was so bad that I couldn't sit for a minute. Hence, arrange to rush home and have a quick rest before the fellowship meet. My sweety was waiting for me to arrive at home, we had a small cat nap and then woke up fresh. Hubby returned early too, so without wasting much of time we ran to get our mont...