Oh what a start!

Monday started with a bang! I woke with a plan for the day. As most of the cooking was already done the previous nite, all this gonna be beautiful mom :)  did was reheating and preparing a side dish. I made a quick dish out dill leaves (my baby loves it).

We had been confirmed by the coordinator, about our Mar Alvares Youth Fellowship Meet at 7.30 P.M. , so I was looking forward for the later part of my day. However office couldn't be avoided, had some important task to be completed. Once at office, I straight away attacked all my priority work and by noon I was done. I could say that I work rather engrossed cause, i had a bad back ache by the time I had finished. Back was so bad that I couldn't sit for a minute. Hence, arrange to rush home and have a quick rest before the fellowship meet.

My sweety was waiting for me to arrive at home, we had a small cat nap and then woke up fresh. Hubby returned early too, so without wasting much of time we ran to get our monthly house supplies and got back home for a fresh cup of tea and deep fired nyappam by my Mom (May good lord give a love life and health).

We reaches the fellowship meet and what a time spend was it !I enjoyed each and every moment of it. It is really a nice feeling to hear others thought and way of thinking, while sharing your own experiences also. I really appreciate people who like & have passion for the work they do, rather than thinking of it as duties to be performed. We spoke about pleasure in life, how power can and money in good mens' hand can be utilized for serving communities, about experiencing supernatural power (both +ve & -ve). It was all so much fun.

Finally, May god bless our host of the fellowship meet, for the food they severed, I was so full that ended up skipping our dinner after we reached home. Makku & myself had a nice big glass of Milk (coz of our calcium need of the age :)!) & were fast asleep by 11! Wow, what a day we had!


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