Sat & Sun

Since we had our feast mass on Friday itself, we or should I say myself, i had a pleasant and peaceful Friday nite sleep (Since its only me who'z having trouble sleeping at night, thanks to the last months' waiting to see my baby)
Why do Weekend have just fly off? I didn't get time to do any crafting....
Day started at 9.00 on Saturday, with a lite breakfast and then cleaning, removed all unwanted paper and files from my shelf and had ample amount of space to keep in my hubby wandering stuffs, like his laptop bag, current files etc etc.
We managed to get some fresh Mackerel, roasted the same for lunch.
I indeed did some cooking han, we bought in some chicken, that was marinated and went straight into the refrigerator.
Oh evening was fun, since I bought some faux flowers, a glass water jar, and sum maternity clothes for myself. Contented with the shopping done, i had a pretty nice sleep that nite too. Thank you God.

Sunday was a big hurry... a rush to church, then sweety's Sunday school and my office oh yes, I was working!! I was dead tired, but manged to cook a tasty chicken dish and chapatis for dinner! not bad... :)


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