Make clarified butter.

Clarified butter or as we call it in India-"Ghee", has been a part of my home ever since Maple was born. When we started with solid food for her, my mother used to put in a drop of ghee made by her. The story of making ghee at home goes way back when I was studying engineering. I happen to visit my roommates home at Mangalore. Jacy's mom is such a warm person, she cooked yummy food for me, and when I left she handed me a bottle of home made ghee (they had cows at home, so milk was bountiful there) With the arrival of that bottle at my house, my mom saw to it that the bottle was never empty. Every week she would collect the cream from the ilk we used and store it to make clarified butter to add onto the bottle. However, once we introduced Maple to ghee, she became a huge fan of the flavor it imparts to food. Then she wanted in on her rice, rotis, bread etc etc.. With depleting resource from mom, i was forced to make mine at home. Here's how I do it from the scr...