To do list!

I have realized that there are certain on priority tasks to be taken up in my house before our new little member comes in and a family gathering for an important occasion due to happen. Though There is ample amount of time for both the events, I don't want to have final moment rush and a big financial bill, hence slowly and steady I shall accomplish the following:

  1. Updating on all the framed photographs in the house. 
  2. Selecting some new pics for the frames.
  3. Buying new bed spreads for all my beds.
  4. New faux flowers for my vases.
  5. New Sofa spreads & table spreads.
  6. New Floor mats.
  7. Repair of Certain Furniture.
  8. Re-arrangement of certain area to make more space.
  9. Some nice colored lite curtains.
  10. And finally my personal touch in all my rooms .


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