Gods word.

We, here at the St Mary's Syrian Orthodox Church  were blessed abundantly by the good lord to have the presence of his Grace Metropolitan Pulikkottil Dr Geevarghese Mar Yulios amidst us for the Youth meeting on 12/08/2012.

One of our brethren asked his grace to elaborate on the feast of Sunoyo, ie bodily assumption of Mother Mary to heaven. 
Just a brief about the feast held on 15th August:
The Fast before the Migration of Virgin Mary the Mother of God
            This is one of the traditional fasts observed in all the Eastern Churches. A feast in commemoration of the Mother of God was celebrated in the East as early as fourth century. Later this was identified as the migration of the blessed Virgin and it came to be called the feast of Sunoyo (Migration) of the Mother of God. This fast starts from the first day of August and ends with the Sunoyo feast on the fifteenth day. This is the time for the faithful to prepare themselves for their death because the death of the Mother of God is a desirable and exemplary death for all.
The insight that his grace gave us was immense, not only did it help us in understanding the migration concept of Mother Mary in place English without any jargon attached. It also empowered us with the belief that every thing that is recorded in the bible is not only a authentic document, but also events backed with practical & scientific history

By His Grace Metropolitan Pulikkottil Dr Geevarghese Mar Yulios:


That’s a unique email signature line of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church’s second youngest bishop and presently the head for Ahmedabad diocese, Metropolitan Pulikkottil Dr Geevarghese Mar Yulios. He is full of ideas and advocates changes in the Orthodoxy and inter-religious harmony.


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