
When it comes to taking decisions, its always good to do it on your own for yourself. Face whatever the consequence is, however we can always ask other for different option available, ways to decide from. But the ultimate decision must be self made.

The word "Decision" can be diversified into vocabularies like will, choice, opportunity utilized many more. They are all relative phase that requires a decision o be taken at the background. Marriage is an important juncture where one must take the big step. But then for one to feel that he/she has taken the right decision or choice is not only theirs efforts, its a joint effort of both the partners. When a bride comes into a family, she is no ways related to  the member of the new family except through her husband, vice-a-verse with grooms too. However the new husband don't feel the pressure coz they stay in their nest even after the big day.So the phase of just married is very responsible phase for the new husband, to make his partners feel connected to each member of the house and the other way too.

Girls have this amazing quality to mold themselves into the every new phase in the journey of life, that what gives them the strength to be what they are! A lady of the house can bring in season of spring to her household as well as get into despair and weather away the blooming buds. it in our minds to keep our selves happy and remember good thing and put bad thing in back ground (I know we can't delete them off, women!!) But for this to be jolly she need her family above all her sole reason to be in the family her hubby.

However, some may not be lucky enough to get what they want in their life, its our job to help ourselves and show people the way we the lady of the house sees it. Sometimes we also  have to see the ways other want to show us. Decision to be taken are however our to be taken!

We got married before this altar, Maple& Sparkle were baptized before the same altar. Praying that they get married to their respective life partners too before the same altar.

 I know these talk sound very philosophical, in my life, my hubby has been able to connect me very efficiently to my new family. And wish that all the husband can do the same for their better half's


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