Three sisters

I though to dedicate my today's post to my sisters. Though there haven't been a single day in our life when we haven't had a fight or verbal argument or something close before we ventured into our family life (except for our youngest sis), now we miss each other every single day.

Me being the eldest was always the bossy one i suppose. While Tens (2nd sis) was the coolest & witty one, and tins (the youngest) pampered ram. Tens and myself were mostly in same kind of dress leaving Tins the odd one out. They were like; such little things when I had left home for educational and working purpose. And when I came back what do I see? Gorgeous young ladies! Girls do grow fast.

Tens always had this amazing quality of  calming other by cracking jokes and talking peacefully. She was a favorite at church, social function. Even in her family life she handles everything so well. 'Patience'... that's what make things happen for her.. Not my cup of tea. That 'P' letter word is miles away from me :)
Tens u are too good darling!

Tins have always been a fighter (Yea she fights for everything).  She is so child like demanding, yes innocent that it make me fear that she may get hurt easily. However, she has a strong personality bond with me. I feel, she even thinks like I use to at her age. She knows how to get thing her way. So she will survive anywhere!
Praying for her future!

There have been times, when only people i can share my heart state is with my sisters. No friends can make me feel the way i feel after talking to them. God bless them!


  1. how beautifully written ... thank you...

  2. So very true as I have seen u guys growing god bless u all


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