Five Favorites (3)-shapes

 Linking up with Five Favorites at

 This time I thought of posting pics of my favorite five things in shape perspective.

Pot of Ghee: I love this pot (I know its not a pot, but I can't think of a graceful word for that shape. And for how to make home made ghee-clarified butter from scratch click here)

These beautiful and colorful bowls. 
We have our breakfast in it, dessert in it, serve in it, it adds so much of color on the dining table and kitchen.

My water source at home.
How I love to finish the water in that jug! Its super easy to clean this handsome fellow.

My Favorite at Office. I carry it like a child with me around at work. this is my third one (Unfortunately, my daughter & niece broke two earlier ones: its famous among kids!)

My lunch bag: Its the most cutest bag I have ever had. I can fit in so much of food in it and it also had a glass which is spill free.

 Thank you all for visiting, do join Hallie's for more favorites at


  1. I DO like your water jar so SO much! And those colorful bowls, too. I mean to make ghee before this year is over. I am a big butter fan, so I feel this won't be twisting my arm.

  2. Thank you for Maia for coming over. And making ghee is really easy and worth it, trust me. I make it every month to keep my jar full.It adds a distinguished aroma and taste to our dishes

  3. Just traveling over to your blog for the first time today, it's lovely! I wondered when I saw the picture of the church in Goa if you were from there? My father's family is Goan and I was curious! :)

  4. Thank you for coming over Julia. I am from Goa,though we have our ancestral roots in Kerala. My husband,kids and me are all born and bought up here. And that church is our orthodox church at Ribandar. I am so happy to know that you have a link with Goa. In-case you plan to come down to Goa, do visit us.Nice meeting you. God bless


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