Life in monsoon

{Pretty Happy Funny Real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

Its raining..... not continuous though! and I am not a "love the rains" kind of a person, however I do like to get out when its sunny after the rain, everything looks so washed and cleaned out!


All shelf and furniture dusted and cleaned


Sparkle is kind of claiming his right on stuff that use to be Maple's and my sweet little daughter ever ready to give it to her little brother. However, she does come and tell me in my ears: "Mama you better teach Sparkle, how to share things with me "
This bean bag was bought on request from Maple as her old one had torn apart and now we find Sparkle always on it


Covering Maple's schools books, she started with her academic year this June after a long summer vacation

As monsoon gets into action, I need to give special attention into my Sunshine home. With the rain pouring continuously for days together all my furniture drinks in a lot moisture and look all white. So I have this time wiped all of them with a mixture of Coconut oil and white vinegar, read it somewhere. Hope it works.
I also saved one of my shoe rack from the garage, cleaned it, and painted beautiful wood color.(Pic next time)

Thank you for visiting my Sunshine Home. See more of Pretty, happy, funny & real  moments at Like Mother, Like Daughter


  1. These are beautiful. :) Pretty much the pictutre of contentment. God bless!

  2. Thank you Iris! Yes, its only while taking picture that I have realized that I hardly used notice these moments earlier.


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