
Showing posts from July, 2013


 {Pretty Happy Funny Real} ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~ This week was really good. I got so many gifts (one good thing about turning 30). {Pretty} I received these pretty flowers on my birthday from office staff. It looks good on the laptop bag. Oh and so many of digital gifts in form of card, ppt, pictures etc. It was very sweet of all my colleagues.   { Happy }  And as though planning for a long time, my hubby (you are a darling) gifted me this cutie. Yes, I am yet to learn to use it fully, but have already begin with some stitching here and there .      { Funny } This is how my beautiful girl smiles, when asked for a click  else when caught unknowingly her smile is as beautiful as this one      { Real }  I treated myself to a pedicure and had one of my favorite shades painted on my toes.Isn't it pretty?   Thank you a...

Happy birthday to me!

Its my Birthday today! I know, that I have been celebrating many , but i leaving my twenties here today. I just can not believe that time has been slipping so fast, or will I wake up from my dream some day! Pedicure done at home and painted my favorite shade! Oh what ever trick this time is doing, I have enjoyed my day so much, thanks to all beautiful and kind people I am surrounded with.

Five Favorites-7

Linking up with Five Favorites . Oh these days I just have no time, so very quick random favorites of mine. 1. Favorite dish Squids batter fry 2. Clutches (birthday gift by my sis) 3. Favorite Saree 4. Most comfortable car. Ford Fiesta: 5. Oh such a beautiful smile all time favorite Thank you for visiting! Have a blessed life.


I have decided, however busy I may be, I shall read at least one page of a book. Have I ever mentioned that Goa houses one of largest libraries in Asia. Yes, "Krishnadas Shama" State Central Library, Goa. New State Central Library Old one The Central library was established on 15th September 1832 by Vice Roy Dom Manuel de Portugal e Castro as ‘Publica Livraria.’ It had a beginning name as ‘Academia Militar de Goa’ (Military Training Institute). In 1836 the name was changed to ‘Bibliotheca Publica’ and enriched with bibliographical repository transferred from the Convents run by religious orders that were suppressed in the1834. In the same year the Library was shifted to premises where the Municipal Proceedings were held, however, the collection on Mathematics and Military sciences was left in Academia and books on Administrative and Legislative matters were transferred to Secretariat Library. The book stack of this library has 47,000 books in four ...

Five Favorites-6

 Linking up with Hallie on Five Favorites! Oh this is become my favorite blog. I have decided to post few of my daughters favorite toys. Sparkle has not come up with any favorite till now. Hope to post about him soon.  1. This Duck She quacked in such a rock sound and move around that Maple use to chuckle  all the way following it.     2. Ring Tower She loved those rings, and it helped her to pick up the names of colors quickly too! 3. Swing This little one could never been nailed for her meals, until we received this swing for  her 1st birthday from my cousin. Then there was not turning back, she would eat only on the swing :) 4. Cycle (it did not have pedals though) This one also was a gift from my friends. Oh she loved it! And the musical buttons it had on  the handle was too good. 5. All time favorite-  water in bucket  (even now at age of 5) She always loved to get into t...

{Pretty Happy Funny Real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~ I missed out on the last two weeks of PHFR, we were all down with cold and fever. By god's grace, all are slowly recovering.  Hence in order to celebrate recovery, I thought of making something special yet simple. So these are what I made . {Pretty} & { Happy }  At my home, people are eagerly awaiting the evening tea time the most, and specially on weekends it needs to be an elaborate one. I always try to make some homemade stuff on Saturday and Sunday evenings. I had read about these American biscuits at Ria's collection and was determined to try them out and wow as they say beginner luck, they were so tasty, that entire family opted out of dinner and just wanted more of them. I must say "Thank you Ria!" I severed them with coriander leaves and coconut chutney  I made some Dhokla on the subsequent Sunday, I had tried them before, but didn't turn out very well. This time howe...