{Pretty Happy Funny Real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

I missed out on the last two weeks of PHFR, we were all down with cold and fever. By god's grace, all are slowly recovering. 

Hence in order to celebrate recovery, I thought of making something special yet simple. So these are what I made.
{Pretty} & {Happy

At my home, people are eagerly awaiting the evening tea time the most, and specially on weekends it needs to be an elaborate one. I always try to make some homemade stuff on Saturday and Sunday evenings. I had read about these American biscuits at Ria's collection and was determined to try them out and wow as they say beginner luck, they were so tasty, that entire family opted out of dinner and just wanted more of them. I must say "Thank you Ria!"

I severed them with coriander leaves and coconut chutney
 I made some Dhokla on the subsequent Sunday, I had tried them before, but didn't turn out very well. This time however, they were a total success, and with the sweet mango pickle (the recipe is here)...yum...


Its funny to see my little hero always opting for things like laptop, mobile, mixer, TV etc rather than his colorful toys. He is so happy to see the windows popping up on that laptop.

Only toy that he loves to play with are these, that too, only when his sister put them on to her imaginary gas for frying

Oh, I been waiting for this one for such a long time and finally we were able to buy a high chair, and this one can be used as table and chair too 


 Thank you all of you for visiting my Sunshine Home. See more of Pretty, happy, funny & real  moments at Like Mother, Like Daughter 


  1. Your tea goodies look quite delicious!

    1. Thank you Lisa!I would love to invite all visitors of My Sunshine Home for tea at home. So when you plan to come to Goa do ping me!

  2. What a pretty blog you have, Racheal. I have enjoyed the photos of your home and your family and am impressed by your hard work. I live in a sunny place too, Dallas, Texas in the USA. I don't have a blog, but I enjoy looking at other blogs from all over the world. God bless you, dear One.

    Rachel, a Catholic Mom of 5 almost grown children

    1. On Thank you so much Rachel! You have made my day with your sweet words. Comment as your encourage me to go on and on. Mom to 5 kids, is such wonderful thing, you must be too a busy bee. Thank you once again!

    2. On Thank you so much Rachel! You have made my day with your sweet words. Comment as your encourage me to go on and on. Mom to 5 kids, is such wonderful thing, you must be too a busy bee. Thank you once again!


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