Chores and Creativity

Time is an element that can be found if one really needs it. I have realized that in the past weeks; even though I had been working at office for weekend, we managed to not only buy a gift for a close family friend, but also visit the newly weds a day before the reception, study for an examination scheduled, attend a wedding reception etc etc...  Oh yes it was exhausting with two kids & equally busy husband, daily chores at home and list goes on. God always gives us strength, (or does he do some work for us! ;) )

So now I have decided to list out target/goals/milestones whatever for this month:
Creativity is some thing that naturally gives a sense of satisfaction and peace to an individual, so every week or at-least every month must have some thing from this section, may be in form of baking, cooking, sewing, crafting, or may be simply assembling few fresh flowers from the garden into a vase.
Faith and learning gives us the strength and courage to go through any difficult situaltion. So something from this section is also mandatory everyweek
Cleaning and self grooming is something that will draw attention and infuse self confidence in ones self
Now, every month, I am gonna try to include a tiny bit from all this section into my routines
Pray to god to give me idea and plans to achieve all this..

So goal for August is:
  • Crafting or sewing once every week
  • Baking or cooking a special dish once a month
  • taking kids to library or beach or park every weekend
  • Learning a new hymn every month and getting Maple into reading a verse everyday before she leaves for school
  • Cleaning one room every week (I already finished my bedroom, giving heed to the advice of Auntie Leila)
  • Scrubbing my bathroom tiles (we do tat twice a month)


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