Happy Happy Happy! {PHFR}

{Pretty Happy Funny Real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

Oh, how I missed linking up with this awesome blog for past two weeks. Life was pretty busy last weeks. But now that August is here and I would be taking some days off from my office work to be with my babies (I am so happily looking forward for the days to arrive) and hoping to slow down a bit and give more time towards sewing, gardening, crafting etc.
While in search of some old cloth for my sewing experiment, I dug out this dress from wardrobe, isn't the embroidery pretty? Now once I am good at sewing, I am planning to stitch a dress from it for Maple

I am so happy about my in-laws visiting us the coming week and that finally today is Friday- weekends finally here!


This is what Sparkle did when asked if he would miss my sister, once she is away studying in a far of college

 She would be more than happy to pack him along.

This is my all purpose bag, it converts into diaper bag, office bag, shopping bag, it can hold so many thing. I have my umbrella, clutches, small pouch of everyday used makeup, a small book (to jot down any thing that comes my way- recipes included), eye gear, key and the list goes on...
Its been with me for almost 2 years and still surviving with a little wear and tear after all this exploitation. ;)

That's all I have for this week. Go on and catch more pictures of contentment at Like Mother, Like Daughter


  1. Looks like a great bag! And Sparkle had a great idea too, haha. God bless.

    1. Thank you for your comment Lindsey. I was browsing through your blog, you braid really well and the dress your daughter has worn looks so lovely. God bless you and your family!

  2. i am ready to take sparkle with me.. i will miss them both so much...


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