Waking up!

Ever since Sparkle was born I got into this phase of waking up late. Yes it was unavoidable during the 1st few months but lately its only a trick my mind kept playing with me. When the clock strikes 5 in the morning I am awake, however my lazy little mind tells me facts like "see you woke up so many times to feed baby, hence couldn't get your full sleep", "If you don't sleep well you will doze off at work"", "your back is paining, you need to sleep a little etc on your back rather then sides" etc..., oh there are many such facts that my mind tells me.

And due to these so called important facts, I decide to sleep for another hour and thus concluding to all the rush hour at my home.

One fine day, while folding the washed laundry of my kids(washed by my maid), I realized that all the clothes need a wash, that only their mother could give. No I am not complaining about the helping aid that I have at home, oh she is a blessing for us, since we both (mama & dada) work and kids are left under safe guidance of their grand parents. But those clothes were not washed with love and hence were all dull.

Adding onto that guilt was that I was working during that weekend, when I should have been making a special dish for my family, taking my kids out on Saturday, attending a competition organized at our church for kids, and the list goes on...

Now can a mother compromise with what she must give and do for her little ones. The decision was made! I decided to wake up every day at 5.30 am. so that I can fold cleanly washed clothes, make a nice breakfast, cook with out haste, feed my babies and dress them up with that extra touch from a mother, wash their clothes and finally I also mange to reach office on time.. I am so very happy!


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