Happy Birthday Dear!

Saturday we celebrated my husband's birthday. I call him Dada as do the kids. And he is so used to that name now, that he feel I call him his name out only when I am in bad mood :) Our breakfast was light in comparision to our heavy Saturday breakfast, the lunch was really loaded. I haven't clicked any pics except for the one above. I made prawns biriyani, Mackerel Rava fry, chicken fry (That one was for Maple, she is not a fish eater), and chicken in coconut milk gravy. For dessert we have panna cotta with different toppings- Orange jelly, Strawberry jelly, Wine syrup with fresh fruit, Oh it was yummy and the star of the day. Recipe for panna cotta inspired from here : Thank you David Lebovitz for the inspiration 2 1/2 tsp Gelatin powder 1 cup sweetened condensed milk 1 cup Amul milk cream or full cream milk flavor of your choice: 3 tbsp dark rum/ 3 pod of cardamon/ 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder/ drops of vanilla essence (i used this one) Direction Bloom the gelat...