Is 2+2=4? or is it ...

When I was little girl,  2+2 was always equal to 4.. But now with life's meaning being viewed  differently by people of different ages, different era, and speacilly by people who want to be ever greens- belong to all times; the sum is not 4... it is like it could be 1+1+2 or why don't u try 2+1+1, or even better 0+4...

I am just fed up. When is school, we study , the harder we study , the better the marks. You ask for something from ur parents, you either get it or not. There weren't many options. That's how we learn to take decision. but when you have options open, there is always compromising. In today's world, all of us are only here to compromise. But i want to see my kids in a place where they work to get want they really want and not compromise on anything for want theye are working for.

I see only way to achieve this is by setting examples as parents, take decision, show them or highlight that, since we are human, the decision we take, may not be correct always. Teach them to learn from mistakes, that makes us an experienced person. Stand by the decision we take, what ever the consequences, it help us to be a better person on whom you family and friends can rely. Such people make great leaders.

Things and life is much lesser complicated this way. But in a family, these decision are to be taken considering all the people whom this decisions affect and especially for those whom it affects the most. Cause ultimately its the our family that make us what we are.


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