In my home.

A wedding gift given by our neighbor. It copper and so beautiful.

My utility basket traveled into my new temporary house

And sparkle's toys

This is my favorite place, oh how I miss my sunshine window...!

Our house is being renovated. We have been staying at my mom's house. They have a portion of their house which was not being used. So now its fully occupied by us and is extensively used by my little ones. 
I am so blessed that my parents stay so close to me and now we are in the same house (we are on the 1st floor and they on ground). And our kids just have to simply run down the stairs to be with their omma and papa.(grandma and Grandpa).


  1. What a lovely blog of your beautiful family. Thanks for visiting my blog so I could find yours. I hope your renovations go smoothly.

    1. Thank you Mary for visiting my little blog.Its such joy to hear from beautiful people like you! I shall surely visit your blog more. You stay in very beautiful place.


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