
{Pretty Happy Funny Real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

I have been as busy as a bee in this house every since we have shifted. We have been going to bed, laughing and joyous every single day!
Getting the house cleaned after a nearly a years construction was very tiresome. But the after effect is awesome. 

I was also able to make this doll for Maple for her school project, it is a doll in traditional clothes of Nagaland, India


Our House pics qualify this section, we are so happy! I am experimenting with the decors
just see that antique clock.. I am in love with it!

                                               {Funny }

                                         This is how my kids look with crazy selfie- lollipops


                          And this is how we spend our leisure time now, gazing out and observing nature.

Linking with Like Mother, Like Daughter for {phfr}


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