Extraordinary days …

Life was so right, kids growing up, learning to be independent of me for most of their basic needs, jobs doing great; great project, lot of exposure, constant learning and contentment, House build as per our dreams etc etc…
Then God decides that, we are not having enough excitement in our life. So what does he do? He brings in breathtaking news to us…We going to have a new little bud to our bouquet. Yes I was expecting; and was delivered of a baby girl this May. Oh it was a very difficult pregnancy. Constant prayer from all my friends and family is the only reason why my dearest NeAnn is with us.


My life was never the same again. It was turned upside down, never in my life have I been to unprepared for something. But this was chaos, opposite to: routine, settled and all the words in the dictionary that’s synonym to these.
There was one thing that was in very vast proportion and that was joy and love. Thank you Jesus for bringing in our baby NeAnn to us.


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