{Pretty Happy Funny Real} ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~ This week was really good. I got so many gifts (one good thing about turning 30). {Pretty} I received these pretty flowers on my birthday from office staff. It looks good on the laptop bag. Oh and so many of digital gifts in form of card, ppt, pictures etc. It was very sweet of all my colleagues. { Happy } And as though planning for a long time, my hubby (you are a darling) gifted me this cutie. Yes, I am yet to learn to use it fully, but have already begin with some stitching here and there . { Funny } This is how my beautiful girl smiles, when asked for a click else when caught unknowingly her smile is as beautiful as this one { Real } I treated myself to a pedicure and had one of my favorite shades painted on my toes.Isn't it pretty? Thank you a...