
Viva Carnaval 2014

One of the major tourist attraction of Goa

Weekend before the Lent

 My sleeping cuties   Chocolate cake for celebrating carnaval

Happy Birthday Dear!

Saturday we celebrated my husband's birthday. I call him Dada as do the kids. And he is so used to that name now, that he feel I call him his name out only when I am in bad mood :) Our breakfast was light in comparision to our heavy Saturday breakfast, the lunch was really loaded. I haven't clicked any pics except for the one above. I made prawns biriyani, Mackerel Rava fry, chicken fry (That one was for Maple, she is not a fish eater), and chicken in coconut milk gravy. For dessert we have panna cotta with different toppings- Orange jelly, Strawberry jelly, Wine syrup with fresh fruit, Oh it was yummy and the star of the day. Recipe for panna cotta inspired from here : Thank you David Lebovitz for the inspiration 2 1/2 tsp Gelatin powder 1 cup sweetened condensed milk 1 cup Amul milk cream or full cream milk flavor of your choice: 3 tbsp dark rum/ 3 pod of cardamon/ 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder/ drops of vanilla essence (i used this one) Direction Bloom the gelat...

Some clicks

IT professional in making ! new addition to our home "a small back board"

Valentines Day

Flowers from my Husband


It has been really long since I have written. There has been so many thing happening. Major of all for almost three weeks I have been at home and still wasn't able to account my days.  Both my babies weren't keeping well. And now though recovering are very cranking. They are slowly getting out of all the weakness. I wish I could stay with them all long. But my job requires me to get back to work. They are safely taken care of my their darling grandma, so much to my relief. Who else could I depend on with my precious little ones. Thank you so much Mummy.

happy bday to my dear Angel


Happy New Year!

December 2013 is gone, and January 2014 is here!  Wish all of you a happy new year.

Merry Christmas

"May peace be on earth for ever and ever", Merry Christmas

Creating & {P, H, F, R}

{Pretty Happy Funny Real} ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~                                                 {Pretty} ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~    Every Thursday, here at Like Mother, Like Daughter!      {pretty and happy} - See more at: {pretty, happy, funny, real} Posted by Rosie   ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~    Every Thursday, here at Like Mother, Like Daughter!      {pretty and happy} - See more at: {pretty, happy, funny, real} Posted by...

Change in life.

Can ones life just change in a day. Can knowing a feeling (a negative) of another human being about yourself make you feel that you are correct about life and hence give you a sense of control. All your insecurities gone and now I look towards life in joy. Oh I know I sound like a philosopher, but that's what has happened to me. Now that I know how a certain person feel about me, I no longer feel that I need to do somethings that were according to me in the past a responsibility. I feel free... Though somewhere down below in my heart I am hurt. I somehow know that feeling that hurt is useless. Cause the person doesn't even bother that I am hurt. Now I shall enjoy being myself in all places and abandon to play roles required by people of me.

Busy days...

Life is been very busy here...a close friends wedding  that just took place last week, relatives at home, an ill baby at home and loads of neighbor's kids to play all around the day. We were having our Diwali vacation and hence, lot of kids with abundant energy hopping around from one house to another. I some how still managed to keep my house in a little shape despite of all this chaos and also baked a chocolate cake with whipped cream.. This was Maple's hut for afternoon nap, though it was used by Sparkle! Chocolate cake God bless!

Family & PHFR

{Pretty Happy Funny Real} ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~ Hello Everybody! My Sparkle's become a 1 year old man.  And the celebration are still going on , he is started walking and has started calling out to me "Mamamamamama...."                                                 {Pretty}  Don't you see a  lot of mischief in that look of his? I know for sure, he is going to be a naughty fellow. ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~    Every Thursday, here at Like Mother, Like Daughter!      {pretty and happy} - See more at: {pretty, happy, funny, real} Posted by Rosie ...

Someone is walking

home decorated by Dada, Mama and Maple its my birthday hurray! yummy food made by mama Soon after his Birthday, my little hero started walking. He is so happy to be able to walk around like his  sister. I know I will have to be on my toes. The moment our front door is open, Sparkle is out to explore.

Sparkle's Birthday!

He started his fabulous day in a jeep. My day got him seated on the driver's seat (this Sparkle has always wanting to to do, he would be reaching for the gears whenever he's in a vehicle). So he was super happy , then mam made him this tested and yummiest cake ever baked by her! So my baba had his best start for the day, More picture coming up..