

My dear sparkle is on move now, and is tasting everything on his way. Poor thing already had two falls while trying to sit. He is more careful now, when on bed he shows a confidence that nothings going to hurt him, however as soon as I put him down, he becomes very careful.

Make clarified butter.

Clarified butter or as we call it in India-"Ghee", has been a part of my home ever since Maple was born. When we started with solid food for her, my mother used to put in a drop of ghee made by her. The story of making ghee at home goes way back when I was studying engineering. I happen to visit my roommates home at Mangalore. Jacy's mom is such a warm person, she cooked yummy food for me, and when I left she handed me a bottle of home made ghee (they had cows at home, so milk was bountiful there) With the arrival of that bottle at my house, my mom saw to it that the bottle was never empty. Every week she would collect the cream from the ilk we used and store it to make clarified butter to add onto the bottle. However, once we introduced Maple to ghee, she became a huge fan of the flavor it imparts to food. Then she wanted in on her rice, rotis, bread etc etc.. With depleting resource from mom, i was forced to make mine at home. Here's how I do it from the scr...

Life in monsoon

{Pretty Happy Funny Real} ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~ Its raining..... not continuous though! and I am not a "love the rains" kind of a person, however I do like to get out when its sunny after the rain, everything looks so washed and cleaned out! {Pretty}   {Happy} All shelf and furniture dusted and cleaned {Funny} Sparkle is kind of claiming his right on stuff that use to be Maple's and my sweet little daughter ever ready to give it to her little brother. However, she does come and tell me in my ears: "Mama you better teach Sparkle, how to share things with me " This bean bag was bought on request from Maple as her old one had torn apart and now we find Sparkle always on it {Real}  Covering Maple's schools books, she started with her academic year this June after a long summer vacation As monsoon gets into action, I need to give special attention into my Sunshine...

Five favorite-{2}

For this weeks Favorite Five linking up with  Hallie at moxiewife.   ~~~1~~~ Favorite Picture of ours as young couple sweet couple na! ~~~2~~~ Gift from those given by my husband beauty    ~~~3~~~ My Jar of  home made Ghee (Clarified Butter) yummy ~~~4~~~ Bean Bag Family favorite old bean bag new one ~~~5~~~ This mug was also a gift from my youngest sister on my birthday. nice na

Monday again!

No I am not complaining! I had a very nice weekend. Many of my to do list things done. Above all, Sparkle is all fine and happy. Talking about weekend, I bought in my monthly supplies within my budget Made the brownies I mentioned in my last post (Maple loved it) Revived an old shoe rack. Deep Cleaned my Bathroom using idea from here   and greatest feeling of fulfillment was going to church was so refreshing. There were 5 (Sparkle included) babies just few months old last Sunday at the church. Every time I see a baby, I feel its a proof that God loves human being so much. I know I should have clicked some pics of all the cuties, :( I don't carry my phone to church).

7 Quick Takes Friday -1

My First  7 Quick Takes Friday -Vol1 from ----1---- Why do things just pop up without warning? I had things planned out and everything went out of schedule, or did I not pay close attention around ? Anyways! I had to enjoy what I was doing. Though sparkle was not keeping that very well ( a stomach infection), I had to attend a workshop. It was not like someone had pointed a gun on my head to attend it; however it was way to stay away from feeding sparkle as doc suggested that I feed him a little less till his stomach calms down and also a chance to meet all my old colleagues. I did return home early, and found sparkle to be more active than the previous day. (we both hardly slept that night due to his stomach-poor baby) As I see Sparkle achieving his milestone on his way to become a naughty toddler, I am kind of  keep checking Maple's pics as a toddler ---2--- Plans for weekend is a little unsure due to sparkle's health, however will s...

Five Favorites

I'm joining this blog for my 1st favorite five at  Moxie Wife! 1. My wedding Tiara I love it 2. Favorite place at home Sun-shines through my window 3. Cuddles & snuggles! Cute 4. Favorite corner love cooking here 5. Glass spice jars away with plastic containers

Healthy breakfast

Breakfast is one meal that I just cannot miss, and I need it to be really heavy and healthy. Do I need to say that, me being so lazy these days, I hardly look forward to cook specially the breakfast. So what I need to do is do maximum preparation previous day night itself. Thus I land up making stuffs like appam, dosa, idli, upma etc.. Today was idli's turn! These are however dishes that one thinks of as very, I wouldn't say difficult but, needs preparation and thus serves my schedule. These are very old Idli moulds used by my ma-in law, very convenient ones. Tasty Idlis with Sambhar & Chutney (I didn't get to click my Sambhar & chutney pics; was running late to work!) However cooking the same over and over again gets very monotonous, and we at home are not very used to a sweet breakfast. Since I am just not able to keep up with healthy demand of breakfast I am on hunt fro easy and fast breakfast recipes to list a few that I make: Idlis Plain dosa...

Refreshing Change!

Break Break break was what I needed so much last weekend and my darling hubby ensured that I got one. We head directly to a spa & resort. Yummy food, rocking DJ nite, awesome pool and loads of fun. Kids were so happy. We also visited a zoo. Maple enjoying her swim, she just didn't want to get off from there! Sparkle's 1st outing. My beautiful sisters. And my handsome husband there are so many more pics, may be in other through the week.. Hope all of you'll also had a nice weekend!

Weekends here!

I was looking forward for this one desperately... My sister is leaving on Monday back, so home's not gonna be same for a while. I am planning to have loads of fun this weekend. With tens at home, the month just passed away... Everyday used to be like a feast at home. Anu (my neice)was so scared of my husband initially, however within a week or so, she just wouldn't leave him, after work when we got back she would come home with us, have dinner with maple. Every morning, when I dropped sparkle at mom's place, she would ask me where dada was (yea, she also started calling him dada) We gonna miss them so much... love you Anu...

Some click of home

{pretty} I found this old vase stuck somewhere down in my junk box. I just love the way the sun streams into my living room through that window. my favorite place at home {Happy}  My niece is such a cute thing and loves posing {Funny} Early morning when sparkle saw that his dada is showering all his affection on his sister, he rushed into his dada dears hands. {Real} Finally I have managed to transfer all my spices into glass jars! My spice bottles (the last one is clarified butter that I make at home) Do visit Like Mother, Like Daughter . to see more pretty, happy, funny and real things in lives of lovely people.

Wonderful wonderful—johnny mathais

Sometimes we walk hand in hand by the sea And we breathe in the cool salty air, You turn to me with a kiss in your eyes And my heart feels a thrill beyond compare Then your lips cling to mine, it's wonderful, wonderful Oh, so wonderful my love. Sometimes we stand on the top of a hill And we gaze at the earth and the sky I turn to you and you melt in my arms There we are, darling, only you and I What a moment to share, it's wonderful, wonderful Oh, so wonderful my love Bridge: This world is full of wondrous things it's true But they wouldn't have much meaning without you Some quiet evenings I sit by your side And we're lost in a world of our own I feel the glow of your unspoken love I'm aware of the treasures that I own And I say to myself, it's wonderful, wonderful Oh, so wonderful my love!  ----------------  So romantic!

The Cloud and The Sand Dune

(From Paulo Coelho's "Like A Flowing River")  photography by a friend A young cloud was born in the midst of a great storm over the Mediterranean Sea, but he did not even have time to grow up there, for a strong wind pushed all the clouds towards Africa. As soon as the clouds reached the continent the climate changed . A bright sun was shining in the sky and stretched out beneath them, lay the golden sands of the Sahara. Since it almost never rains in the desert, the wind continued pushing the clouds towards the forests in the south. Meanwhile, as happens with young humans too, the young cloud decided to leave his parents and his older friends in order to discover the world. ‘What are you doing’ cried the wind. ‘The desert’s the same all over. Rejoin the other clouds, and we’ll go to Central Africa where there are amazing mountains and trees!’ But the young cloud, natural rebel, refused to obey, and, gradually, he dropped down until he fo...

Weekend clicks!

Carrot cake, again forgot to click when its was out from the pressure cooker. I managed to click a pick before my husband and kids could devour the cake! On Sunday made some yum.. rice ladoos! And finally when to the children's park near the beach to beat off the heat. Wasn't I clicking the pick? were is my pop and sis looking. Oh! look at sparkle, he was all tired.